What Time IS IT?

I missed that it was a daylight saving’s weekend. Instagram informed me about 3 hours ago.

In my defense … I didn’t see much about clocks changing during my morning online scan of news. As a matter of fact, so NOT mentioned, I’m not entirely convinced that my laptop and phone are in the same country as me.

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Happy Sunday.

I usually close with this line. But today it is my beginning for it’s to-the-point exactness and being precisely what I want to put out into the Universe right now.

Happy and Sunday.

In honour of this sentiment and time change, I’m going to take this early-arriving afternoon to disconnect for a few hours.

This means: Phone down. Notifications off. No photos. Laptop(s) closed.

It means discovering faces in clouds. Spotting birds in trees. Taking in the sun. Thinking about my Mum, and remembering my Papa.

It means opening up my chest to accept the moment’s reality. And forbidding worry and guilt.

It means firing on one or two cylinders, only.

Simply put?

Not someone’s co-worker. Not anyone’s possession. Not a curiosity. Not an indulgence. Not a wish, or wonder, or regret.

From my toes to my nose, just being the molecules that make me me.

I’ll be back.

In a bit.

Go on, Finnigan.


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