
At midnight Sunday (18 March) I woke up.

I know the time because I got up and looked at my phone charging in the kitchen.

Still plenty of time, I went back to bed, awake.

When I heard a pop followed by a flashed white light outside my bedroom window.

I then heard voices. I thought: Great. Here we go again with assholes wandering around the neighbourhood.


So I got up and turned on the overhead kitchen light, my passive indicator letting the “bad people” outside know that someone inside is awake.

And just as my brain was registering the fogginess coming in through the lower half of the kitchen wall, I heard the voices clearly yelling: Fire! Get out of the house! Your house is on fire!

Only reacting, I threw on my Irish zip up and UGGs, paused then darted out of the garden door towards the people still yelling: Get out! We’ve called 911.


Once clear, I turned around to see the corner of the house in flames, next to the neighbours’.

So I ran to the front and banged on LeAnn and Thomas’ door.

By that time, thanks to the passersby being there at the very moment it all started, the fire engines showed up. Six in total.


The fire crews made fast work of the actual flames. Like maybe 5 mins?

But black smoke came out of the open front door and also the roof.


Sometime during fire hoses being rolled up, I told my story to a fire investigator, who determined that it was electrical.

Before they packed up, a firefighter took me into a darken powerless house to retrieve my phone, money, work laptop and medication (blood pressure don’t ya know).

At 3:20 am, I was driving myself downtown to the only hotel I knew: The OMNI.

I rested my smelly self on the hotel bed. 3:40 turned into 5:30. I didn’t sleep, so I watched college baseball until the sun came up.


When morning arrived, I texted my brother Drew, then made my way to the poor wee cottage to take it all in.

I am the charred side to the right:

And the kitchen inside:


At least the damage was contained to the kitchen area.

But everything I own, books, clothes, rug, mattress, furniture is covered in a layer of smoke.

No kidding, even my toothbrush smelled.


I bagged up my immediate needs, valuables and go-to clothes, and did 3 laundry washes at Drew’s.

We had to leave all unwashed stuff outside his house because they absolutely wreaked.


Luckily for me and my neighbours, those two people happened to be walking past just as the electrical pop ignited the house, otherwise this would have been a way worse tale.

And their early call to emergency services meant that not only did we get out fast, but so did the flames that were making their way down the side of the two houses.

I do not know who they are, but I acknowledge and thank the Angels.


Tuesday I made two trips back to throw out ruined kitchen stuff; like spices, veggies, herbs, food, tea towels, cutting boards, glass wares.

You name it. Anything that once had structure that was now wet, broken or singed, I tossed.

Whilst there the 2nd time, the contractors tarped the hole in the kitchen and covered the charred sides with a material that made it look less dramatic.

I then moved all loose possessions out of the common areas and into my reading room and bedroom, and closed those doors.

More for a semblance of order than anything else.


My trashing and consolidating was like therapy.

It gave me time to calmly reflect.

  • About work.
  • About the 4 years I have been there.
  • About why I moved there.
  • About the two strangers screaming for me to get out.

For sure I must have welled up 40 times as my mind streamed real events and my imagination the possibilities.

It also gave me time to consider my upcoming monthly-long trip to England.


I had 48 hours to decide if I was going to dump my travel plans … to stay at a hotel … or stay with friends … or stay with my brother. But stay, regardless.

Of note: I am not the property owner, and I have renter’s insurance. Both of which were moving by that Monday morning.

It took not a few times back and forth to decide.

But on Wednesday, I checked in at the gate and took a flight first to Detroit, then onto Amsterdam, and finally to Bristol UK.

Where I have been since Thursday.


I see it is way:

All my valuables are secured.

Most everything still at the house is more sentimental than valuable. I mean it would hurt my feelings, but as I told Shelly from the property company, if someone wants to steal my 100 year old bible, they can have it.


I’m still not a full week into this mess.

Almost, but not quite.

And I know it is unconventional, but I am glad I stuck with my plan.

Waiting days in a hotel or on a family living room sofa is challenge for everyone involved.

This morning, 6 days in, I got an email from Shelly saying that more than likely my lease will be broken to allow me to permanently relocate.

So, that’s new.


At the moment I am managing this all in a very Zen way.

  • I’ve asked to remain there until I get back.
  • I’ve already begun to look online.
  • I’ve already scouted out a moving company. They can be booked in the new 2 weeks.
  • Drew offered to collect and store things like Mr. Stewart’s whiskey glasses and my parents’ hope chest.
  • I have zero clue what to do with smoke damaged stuff.


And even if the entire list above falls apart …

Tonight I am going to enjoy a wine and bolognese dinner with my friends.

To be followed by a walk and a pause on the seaside front.


This is simply the best I can do with the plans that I have.

Happy Sunday.

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